Deborah Rimay
Social Worker, MSW RSW
- Accepting New Clients
- Virtual, In-Person
- Daytime, Evenings
Works With:
- Adults (18 +)
- Individuals
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Brantford (Highland) + Virtual:
Simcoe + Virtual:
Individuals seek counselling for a variety of reasons looking to gain support through life challenges. Individuals are interested in exploring their past, present, and future to resolve their past experiences or circumstances that have led to their current state.
Healing through counselling can be a difficult and emotional process and your counsellor will work with you to overcome the challenges or impediments you are facing. The goal of counselling is to enhance the well-being of individuals and families in a space where you are seen and heard and to assist you in removing obstacles that prevent you from experiencing the balance and joy that you seek for yourself. Counselling will assist you in healing from the symptoms and emotional distress caused by challenging life
Throughout my career in child welfare and long-term care, I have developed a deep understanding of the unique challenges individuals and families experience in their lives. I have an extensive amount of experience, and knowledge in dealing with anxiety, depression, self-esteem, religious trauma, and toxic workplace stress. I assist individuals and families to adjust to life transitions such as illness, grief loss; separation, and divorce.
I draw from models of treatment that are systemic, strength-based, solution-focused, and with a trauma-informed lens in assisting the client to develop skills, healthier coping strategies, and resources to enhance their healing. My therapeutic approach emphasizes
person-centred therapy reflecting empathy, acceptance, and genuineness.
I offer ongoing treatment as a compassionate, caring, collaborative, and non-judgemental process developed by the client, family, and therapist to set goals to
meaningfully engage in their life. I am a registered social worker (OCSWSSW) and a member of the Ontario Association of Social Workers. I hold a Master’s Degree in Social Work as well as a Bachelor’s in Social
Work and a Bachelor of Sociology. I also hold a Long Term Care Administration certificate; certification in Art Therapy and am completing a certificate in religious
Together we will usher in a journey of healing and growth to better understand ourselves, our
relationships and environments around us.
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."
- Victor Frankl
Areas of Focus
- Self-Esteem
- Religious Trauma
- Generalized Anxiety
- Depression
- Toxic Workplace Stress
- Grief/Loss
- Illness
- Separation/Divorce
Therapy Modalities
- Person Centered
- Brief Solution Focused
- Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
- Embrace a Diverse, Equity and Inclusive Lens
Training & Education
- Master of Social Work (MSW)
- Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
- Bachelor of Sociology (BA SOC)